Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ravens' landing...

Not much to say in the way of writing today. Here's a link to a humorous new post by Keith Miller, though.

In other news, I was still creative this weekend. Two new paintings and a third one started on the easel... here are the two I finished:

I find my inspiration at the oddest moments. I think I like painting because of the instant gratification (relative, I know)... writing takes a long time and a lot of effort and the end result is not quite... THIS... I keep working at it though. But for now I'm pleased with my Ravens.

Here's to a new week and lots to do!


  1. Love the paintings! You're so talented.

    Miss you!

  2. Sometimes it feels so wonderful to smear paint on canvas. That your talent show through is a nice bonus.

  3. i love the idea in the raven looking at the moon. Makes me wonder if the raven is really here on earth!


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