This is day 4 of "NaNoWriMo"... I've done my thousand words a day for the past 3 days (technically should be doing more, but I decided to shoot for 30,000 words instead of 50,000... and perhaps I'll surprise myself).
Nanowrimo Breakfast of Champions: Black tea with cream and Entenmann's donuts |
Today for breakfast we're having tea, donuts and procrastination... plenty of procrastination if you want to share. I've dragged Tag's bed into the kitchen and given him a bully stick to chew on,
Tag is ready to write |
set the pandora station to Chopin, brewed my second cup of tea for the morning, and written 100 words so far... I have miles to go... at least it's raining outside, so I won't be tempted to go out and run about in the beautiful fall weather... and I made Noah take the car this morning, so I effectively marooned myself for the day. Sigh...
A portrait of the author hard at work |
So now, with breakfast devoured and much time wasted, I really will get to work... really... right this instant... see? I'm working...