Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG: Camp NaNo edition

Hi everyone! It's time for Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Alex Cavanaugh. Anyone can join, so hop on over to the IWSG page for more information and sign up! You won't regret it. Support, encouragement, we all need that, right?

So I don't really have any complaints this week. Which... is huge... usually there's something nagging at me. But I'm letting it all slide off my back right now because it's July, which means it's time for Camp NaNo!

I've been participating in NaNoWriMo for a few years now, and I have to say I always thought those "Camp" kids were kinda crazy. Why in the world would you need/want to do it again in the middle of the year?

Well, I've been bitten by the Camp NaNoWriMo bug, y'all. I had a good idea and a challenge from my podcasting co-host Merianna, and here I am getting ready for Day 2! (Oh, there's an insecurity... have I ever mentioned on here that I podcast weekly about publishing and writing? Check us out: ThinkingOutLoud)

But I'm no newbie, not anymore. I have an outline, a character sheet, and WriteOrDie to get me to my MODEST goal of 30,000 for the month. Not pushing it, just enjoying it... taking the story from start to finish and leaving the rest for revisions.

And we'll leave the insecurities to the revision process.
How is everyone else this month? Did anyone else even consider Camp NaNo this year, or was that just me?


  1. Sometimes NaNo really works for me, and I'll crank out 60 or 70 k in a month.

    Sometimes NaNo provides just the right procrastination venue, and I get everything BUT my novel done. The last one I tried was in the middle of getting my house ready to move while also taking care of a kid and working. That didn't work out, but my files got very organized.

  2. I did the earlier session of Camp NaNo this year and aimed for the same goal, around 30k! I finished it and I'm very excited about this novella. Good luck with yours and have fun!

  3. I ADORE NaNo in November but have never tried Camp NaNo. YAY for WriteOrDie! I love that program! You know I might just use it today for some character exercises I am thinking of trying.

  4. I've never done the NaNos, and summer is a terrible time for me to get large chunks of writing done, but I wish you luck getting those words down. I know these writing marathons help lots of writers out. Looks like you are one of them!

  5. I hope you have a blast! I wrote my current WIP during a camp NaNo back in August of 2012. I'm still in the process of revising. I can't believe I achieved an entire first draft in 30 days! I think everyone should try it. Good luck. :)


What's on your mind? I wanna know!