Monday, May 19, 2014

Working stuff out

I've been quiet for a while, I know. I'd offer a better excuse, but really the only reason is that I haven't taken time to sit down here and write anything. That includes creatively as well as blog-related. I hope that I will get back on the wagon, soon. Very soon.

In the meantime, I've been spending lots of time hunting my monsters in different ways... like this one: I ran Bay to Breakers yesterday!

Bay Bridge, Morning, San Francisco.

Don't know who this Jack was, but he was excited. I'm on the right.
Next to the bunny...

Friends! Getting ready to run!

I never thought I was a runner... never thought that one day I would run more than 7 miles and still have any energy at the end of it... Apparently that's only mental! Because after working toward it, training and making myself get out there, even when I was nervous and less than confident in myself, I succeeded!

No I wasn't the best. I didn't WIN the race, but I ran it. I finished it. I finished well. I'm hoping to translate some of the lessons I'm learning through running about myself and my will power to the other areas of my life that I love and care about (like my art and my writing).

I'll go into more detail on some of those lessons later... they'll be worth unpacking here, I think.

What do you challenge yourself to do? What puts you out of your comfort zone and teaches you something about yourself?


  1. I've been learning to dance, and it's been a lot of fun, but it definitely puts me out of my comfort zone. And Bay to Breakers is crazy! I love how everyone gets all dressed up in costumes for it (I'm a big fan of costumes though).

  2. I haven't pushed myself out of my comfort zone in a while... realizing I'm overdue! Hey when did I miss that you work at Entangled? And did I see you jumping a pretty golden horse on your google+ page? I think you need to share more about yourself here... I want more details :)

    1. LOL! Margo! Short answer, I've worked on and off for Entangled for a couple of years now. They're just one of my editing clients. And I photoed my friend jumping the pretty golden pony, but yes, I do ride. :) I'll post something from life one of these days!


What's on your mind? I wanna know!